郑建云 副教授
2012年9月-2015年7月,中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,理学博士,导师:金平实 研究员
2009年9月-2012年7月,中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所,工程硕士,导师:郝俊英 研究员
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,22075075,助催化剂和保护层耦合增强的硅基体系的变压光电化学氮还原研究,2021/01-2024/12,63万,在研,主持;
2. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,2020JJ5044,光电还原CO2的纳米多孔Si体系:保护层设计和界面电荷转移过程,2020/01-2021/12,5万,在研,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,21805080,纳米多孔硅基光电极的效率与稳定的去耦合作用研究,2019/01-2021/12,21万,在研,主持;
4. 澳大利亚同步辐射光源项目,15170,In-situ XAS study of gold alloy (AuCoPd) nanoparticle-based photocathodes for the photoelectrochemical reduction of nitrogen - Beamline Mode 3: Palladium,2019/11,9.8万澳元,结题,主持;
5. 澳大利亚同步辐射光源项目,15162,In-situ XAS study of gold alloy (AuCoPd) nanoparticle-based photocathodes for the photoelectrochemical reduction of nitrogen - Beamline Mode 2: Gold,2019/09,9.8万澳元,结题,主持;
6. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2019T120703,Si基光电还原CO2体系中助催化剂与乙醇产物的匹配性,2019/06-2019/09,18万,结题,主持;
7. 澳大利亚同步辐射光源项目,14490,An XAS study of gold alloy nanoparticle-based photocathodes for the photoelectrochemical reduction of nitrogen - PART 2: Gold and Copper,2019/04,9.8万澳元,结题,参与;
8. 澳大利亚同步辐射光源项目,14290,In-situ XAS study of gold alloy (AuCoPd) nanoparticle-based photocathodes for the photoelectrochemical reduction of nitrogen - PART 1: Vanadium and Cobalt,2019/03,9.8万澳元,结题,参与;
9. 中国博士后科学基金一等面上资助,2018M640746,光电化学体系中载流子迁移与保护层缺陷的匹配性,2018/11-2019/09,8万,结题,主持;
1. Jianyun Zheng, Yanhong Lyu, Man Qiao, Jean P. Veder, Roland D. Marco, John Bradley, Ruilun Wang, Yafei Li*, Aibin Huang*, San Ping Jiang*, Shuangyin Wang*, Tuning the Electron Localization of Gold Enables the Control of Nitrogen-to-Ammonia Fixation. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 2019, 58, 18604-18609.
2. Jianyun Zheng, Huaijuan Zhou, Yuqin Zou*, Ruilun Wang, Yanhong Lyu*, San Ping Jiang*, Shuangyin Wang*, Efficiency and Stability of Narrow-Gap Semiconductor-Based Photoelectrodes. Energy Environ. Sci. 2019, 12, 2345-2374.
3. Yanhong Lyu, Ruilun Wang, Li Tao, Yuqing Zou*, Huaijuan Zhou, Tingting Liu, Yangyang Zhou, Jia Huo, Sang Ping Jiang, Jianyun Zheng*, Shuangyin Wang*, In-situ evolution of active layers on commercial stainless steel for stable water splitting, Applied Catalysis B, 2019, 248, 277-285.
4. Jianyun Zheng, Yanhong Lyu, Man Qiao, Ruilun Wang, Yangyang Zhou, Hao Li, Chen Chen, Yafei Li*, Huaijuan Zhou*, San Ping Jiang*, Shuangyin Wang*, Photoelectrochemical synthesis of ammonia on the aerophilic-hydrophilic heterostructure with 37.8% efficiency, Chem, 2019, 5, 1-17.
5. Jianyun Zheng, Yanhong Lyu, Ruilun Wang, Chao Xie, Huaijuan Zhou, San Ping Jiang, Shuangyin Wang*, Crystalline TiO2 protective layer with graded oxygen defects for efficient and stable silicon-based photocathode. Nature Communications. 2018, 9, 3572.
6. Jianyun Zheng, Yanhong Lyu, Chao Xie, Ruilun Wang, Li Tao, Haibo Wu, Huaijuan Zhou, San Ping Jiang, Shuangyin Wang*, Defect-enhanced charge separation and transfer within protection layer/semiconductor structure of photoanodes. Advanced Materials. 2018, 30, 1801773.
7. Jianyun Zheng*, Shanhu Bao, Xiaoli Zhang, Haibo Wu, Rongxiang Chen, Ping Jin*, Pd-MgNix nanospheres/black-TiO2 porous films with highly efficient hydrogen production by near-complete suppression of surface recombination. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2016, 183, 69-74.
8. Jianyun Zheng, Shanhu Bao, Ping Jin*, TiO2(R)/VO2(M)/TiO2(A) multilayer film as smart window: combination of energy-saving, antifogging and self-cleaning functions. Nano Energy. 2015, 11, 136-145.